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Research output
Chapters in books
Archer, A. 2012. Changing academic landscapes: principles
and practices of teaching writing at the University of Cape
Town. In C. Thaiss, G. Braeuer, P. Carlino, L. Ganobcsik-
Williams and A. Sinha (eds), Writing Programs Worldwide:
Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places, pp. 353-364.
South Carolina: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press.
ISBN 9781602353435.
Archer, A. and Richards, R. 2011. Writing centres as alternate
pedagogical spaces. In A. Archer and R. Richards (eds),
Changing Spaces: Writing Centres and Access to Higher
Education in South Africa, pp. 5-15. Stellenbosch, South
Africa: Sun Press. ISBN 9781920338596.
Huang, C.H. and Archer, A. 2012. Uncovering the multimodal
literacy practices in reading manga and the implications for
pedagogy. In T.B. Williams and A.A. Zenger (eds), New
Media Literacies and Participatory Popular Culture Across
Borders, pp. 44-60. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis
Group, New York & London. ISBN 9780415897686.
Skelly, L., Eidelman, J.L. and Underwood, P.G. 2012. Web 2.0
technology as a teaching tool. In J. Tramullas and P. Garrido
(eds), Library Automation and OPAC 2.0: Information Access
and Services in the 2.0 Landscape, pp. 187-205. Hershey, PA:
Information Science Reference. ISBN 9781466619128.
Rohleder, P. and Thesen, L.K. 2012. Interpreting drawings:
reading the racialised politics of space. In B. Leibowitz, L.
Swartz, V. Bozalek, R. Carolissen, L. Nicholls and P. Rohleder
(eds), Community, Self and Identity Educating South African
University Students for Citizenship, pp. 87-96. Cape Town,
South Africa: HSRC Press. ISBN 9780796923981.
Scott, I.R. 2012. Access, success and curriculum: Aspects
of their organic relationship. In R. Dhunpath, R and R.
Vithal (eds), Alternative Access to Higher Education:
Underprepared Students or Underprepared Institutions? pp.
26-50. Pinelands, South Africa: Pearson Education Limited.
ISBN 9781775784975.
Scott, I.R. 2012. Case study: curriculum structure as a key
variable affecting performance in higher education: The
case of South Africa. In P. Blackmore and C. Kandiko (eds),
Strategic CurriculumChange: Global Trends In Universities,
pp. 192-205. Oxon, USA and Canada: Routledge (Taylor &
Francis Group). ISBN 9780415809344.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Amosun, S.L., Hartman, N., Janse van Rensburg, V.C.,
Duncan, E.M. and Badenhorst, E.S. 2012. Process in
widening access to undergraduate allied health sciences
education in South Africa. African Journal of Health
Professions Education, 4(1): 34-39.
Archer, A. 2012. Writing as design: enabling access to
academic discourse in a multimodal environment. South
African Journal of Higher Education, 26(3): 411-421.
Dunne, T.T., Long, C., Craig, T.S. and Venter, E. 2012. Meeting
the requirements of both classroom-based and systemic
assessment of mathematics proficiency: the potential of
Rasch measurement theory. Pythagoras, 33(3): 19(1-16).
Frith, V. 2012. A quantitative literacy course for Humanities
and Law students: the challenges of a context-based
curriculum. Perspectives in Education, 30(2): 41-49.
Frith, V. 2012. Quantitative literacy interventions at
University of Cape Town: effects of separation from
academic disciplines. Numeracy, 5(1): 1-23.
Glaser, M. and van Pletzen, E. 2012. Inclusive education
for deaf students: literacy practices and South African
sign language. Southern African Linguistics and Applied
Language Studies, 30(1): 25-37.
Hartman, N., Kathard, H., Perez, G., Reid, S., Irlam, J.H.,
Gunston, G.D., Janse van Rensburg, V.C., Burch, V.C.,
Duncan, E.M., Hellenberg, D.A., Van Rooyen, I.W., Smouse,
M.R., Sikakana, C.N.T., Badenhorst, E.S. and Ige, B. 2012.
Health sciences undergraduate education at University of
Cape Town: a story of transformation. SAMJ South African
Medical Journal, 102(6): 477-480.
Kapp, R. 2012. Students’ negotiations of English and
literacy in a time of social change. Journal of Composition
Theory, 32(3-4): 591-614.
Luckett, K.M. 2012. Disciplinarity in question: comparing
knowledge and knower codes in sociology. Research
Papers in Education, 27(1): 19-40.
Luckett, K.M. 2012. Working with ‘necessary contradictions’:
a social realist meta-analysis of an academic development
programme review. Higher Education Research &
Development, 31(3): 339-352.
Mongwane, B., Dunsby, P.K.S. and Osano, O. 2012.
Cosmic electromagnetic fields due to perturbations
in the gravitational field. Physical Review D, 86(8):