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Centre for Higher Education Development
Nakedi, M., Taylor, D., Mundalamo, F., Rollnick, M. and
Mokeleche, M. 2012. The story of a physical science
curriculum: transformationor transmutation?African Journal
of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology
Education (AJRMSTE) or African Journal of Research in
MST Education, 16(3): 273-288.
Paxton, M.I.J. 2012. Student voice as a methodological
issue in academic literacies research. Higher Education
Research & Development, 31(3): 381-391.
Perez, A.M., Ahmed, N. and London, L. 2012. Racial
discrimination: experiences of black medical school alumni
at the University of Cape Town, 1945-1994. SAMJ South
African Medical Journal, 102(6): 574-577.
Pym, J.M., Goodman, S.L. and Patsika, N. 2011.
Does belonging matter? Exploring the role of social
connectedness as a critical factor in students’ transition
to higher education. Pins Psychology in Society, 42: 35-50.
Smith, L., Pym, J.M. and Ranchhod, V. 2012. Explaining the
first-year academic performance of commerce academic
development students: A statistical analysis. SA Journal of
Accounting Research, 26(1): 43-65.
Smith, L. and Ranchhod, V. 2012. Measuring the impact of
educational interventions on the academic performance
of academic development students in second-year
microeconomics. South African Journal of Economics,
80(3): 431-448.
Smith, L. 2012. Measuring the impact of educational
interventions on the academic performance of black
academic development students. South African Review of
Education, 18(1): 85-113.
Sonday, A., Anderson, K.A., Flack, C.F., Fisher, C.F.,
Greenhough, J.G., Kendal, R.K. and Shadwell, C.S. 2012.
School-based occupational therapists: an exploration into
their role in a Cape Metropole Full Service School. South
African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 42(1): 2-6.
Van Den Heever, A.P., Lazarus, J. and Naude, J.H. 2012.
Retrospective outcome analysis of urethroplasties
performed for various etiologies in a single South African
centre. African Journal of Urology, 18: 127-130.
Van Pletzen, E., Stein, D.J., Seedat, S., Williams, D.R.
and Myer, L. 2012. Recall of early non-fatal suicidality
in a nationally representative sample of South Africans.
Ethnicity & Health, 17(1-2): 149-159.
Wolff, K. andLuckett, K.M. 2013. Integratingmultidisciplinary
engineering knowledge. Teaching in Higher Education,
1(1): 1-15.
Peer-reviewed published conference
Le Roux, K. and Adler, J. 2012. Talking and looking
structurally and operationally as ways of acting in a
socio-political mathematical practice. In T.-Y. Tso (ed),
Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,
18-22 July 2012, Taiwan. Taiwan: Taiwan Association of
Mathematics Education. ISSN 0771-100X.
Mhakure, D. and Stone, R. 2012. African indigenous
knowledge systems in higher education: a discourse
analysis. In M.B. Ogunniyi (ed), Proceedings of 1st South
African-Mozambican Systematic Review of IKS Studies
Conference, 25-27 October 2012, Cape Town, South Africa.
Bellville, South Africa: University of the Western Cape.
ISBN 9780868087375.
Ng’ambi, D. and Campbell, A. 2012. Influence of mobile
learning on human agency: a critical discourse analysis. In
P. Lam (ed.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference
on e-Learning, 12-22 June, Hong Kong. Hong Kong:
Chinese University Press. ISBN 9781908272430.
Tanner, M.C. and Chigona, W.M.G. 2012. Towards
an understanding of the contextual influences on
distributed agile software development: a theory of
practice perspective. In J. Pries-Heje, M. Chiasson,
J. Wareham, X. Busquets, J. Valor and S. Seiber
(eds), Proceedings of the 20th European Conference
on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), 10-13 June
2012, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, Spain: European
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012). ISBN
Centre for Educational
Acting Director: Stephen Marquard
Centre Profile
The Centre for Educational Technology has been an
established unit in CHED since 2005. While the Centre
has a broad focus, its core activities focus on encouraging
and supporting the innovative and effective use of ICTs
for educational purposes. CET’s work focuses on the areas
of learning technologies, staff development, curriculum
projects, postgraduate teaching, and also includes
research and special projects. Research in CET has largely
been centered on the professional interests of individuals
and the focus of funded projects. It can be grouped into
some dominant themes including: access to and use of