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Higher and Adult
Education Studies and
Development Unit
Unit Head: Associate Professor Linda Cooper
Unit Profile
The Higher & Adult Education Development & Studies Unit
forms part of the Centre for Higher Education Development
at the University of Cape Town. HAESDU supports the
on-going professional development of both higher
education professionals and adult education practitioners
through a range of courses, research and development
projects. HAESDU recognizes the importance of its work
being research-led, and all staff are actively engaged in
research. There are two NRF rated researchers in the unit
– Associate Professors Suellen Shay and Jeff Jawitz.
Unit Statistics
Permanent and long-term contract staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Administrative and Clerical Staff
Research Fields and Staff
Dr Alan Cliff
Senior lecturer: Academic literacy and student learning;
admissions testing; diagnostic profiling of students’
academic literacies and numeracies; understanding how
adults learn; assessment of academic potential. MCQ
assessment: design and impact; assessment and evaluation
in adult and continuing education contexts.
Associate Professor Linda Cooper
Theorising different forms of knowledge; impact of changes
in the broader political economy and labour markets
on knowledge and pedagogy; relationship between
higher education and the workplace; RPL and continuing
professional education within higher education; worker
education and training: the role of education in workplace
and social change.
Dr Jeanne Gamble
Senior Lecturer: The relation between knowledge and
practice in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment; vocational
and professional education; education and training policy
Dr Salma Ismail
Senior Lecturer: Adult education curriculum and
changing student needs, challenges of retaining a critical
transformative educational practice and inclusion of
feminist pedagogy; relationship of indigenous knowledge
to adult education; learning in social movement contexts;
staff experiences of institutional culture in a changing
university context.
Ms Kasturi Behari-Leak
Lecturer: Academic identity and social agency; nascent
academics – ‘being and becoming’; knowledge and knower
structures; social inclusion and difference; structure, culture
and agency; the power of performative texts.
Associate Professor Jeff Jawitz
Professional development of academics in teaching; the
impact of race on academic practice; the academic identity
and the academic workplace; educational development
initiatives and large class teaching
Dr Janice McMillan
Senior Lecturer: Social responsiveness in teaching and
learning; building university-community partnerships;
citizenship and ethics in service learning; role of critical
reflection in service learning; theorizing service learning
from a social justice perspective
Ms June Saldanha
Lecturer: Understanding the challenges which women
encounter when trying to pursue further learning in formal and
informal contexts; investigating the opportunities that exist for
adult learners who have completed the Diploma in Education.
Associate Professor Suellen Shay
Developing an understanding of assessment as a socially-
situated practice; understanding the formative influences
on curriculum which influence what is valued in assessment;
the relationship between disciplinary knowledge and
curriculum; curriculum differentiation and progression.
Contact Details
Postal Address: Centre for Higher Education Development,
Suite 7.38 PD Hahn Building, North Lane, Upper Campus,
University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: SA (21) 650-3478
Fax: SA (21) 650-5045