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Centre for Higher Education Development
Ms Stacey Stent
Graphics and animation designer. teaching with images,
visual literacy.
Ms Michelle Willmers
Programme Manager, Scholarly Communication in Africa
Programme; scholarly Communication.
Honorary Research Associate
Ms Eve Gray
Conducts donor-funded research projects on policy and
strategy for ICT and scholarly communications in Africa, with
a specific focus on open access and new publishing models.
Contact Details
Postal Address:
Centre for Educational Technology, PD Hahn Building,
North Lane, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: +27 21 650 3841
Research output
Chapters in books
Czerniewicz, L. and Brown, C. 2012. Objectified cultural
capital and the tale of two students. In L. Dirckinck-
Holmfeld, V. Hodgson and D. McConnell (eds), Exploring
the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning:
pp. 209-219. New York: Springer. ISBN 9781461404958.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Brown, C. 2012. University students as digital migrants.
Language and Literature, 14(2): 41-61.
Hodgkinson-Williams, C.A. and Paskevicius, M. 2012.
The role of postgraduate students in co-authoring open
educational resources to promote social inclusion: a case
study at the University of Cape Town. Distance Education,
33(2): 253-269.
Mugwanya, R., Marsden, G., Ng’ambi, D. and Traxler, J.
2012. Using a participatory action research approach to
design a lecture podcasting system. International Journal
of Mobile and Blended Learning, 4(2): 67-86.
Ng’ambi, D. and Lombe, A. 2012. Using podcasting to
facilitate student learning: a constructivist perspective.
Educational Technology & Society, 15(4): 181–192.
Peer-reviewed published conference
Boyinbode, O., Bagula, A.B. and Ng’ambi, D. 2012. A
mobile learning application for delivering educational
resources to mobile devices. In C.A. Shoniregun and G.A.
Akmayeva (eds), Proceedings of International Conference
on Information Society (i-Society 2012), 25-28 June 2012,
London, UK. UK: Infonomics Society. ISBN 9781908320056.
Boyinbode, O., Bagula, A.B. and Ng’ambi, D. 2012. An
interactive mobile learning system for enhancing learning
in higher education. In I.A. Sanchez and P. Isaias (eds),
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Mobile
Learning 2012, 11-13 March 2012, Berlin, Germany. Berlin,
Germany: IADIS Press. ISBN 9789728939663.
Cox, G. 2012. “Why would you do it,... would a student
actually be interested” Understanding the barriers and
enablers to academic contribution to an OER directory.
Proceedings of Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact -
Opening Collaborating to Enhance Education, 16-18 April
2012, Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9780749229375.
Deacon, A. and WynSculley, C. 2012. When my sub-
editor is a nit-picking bot: mediating roles of a TV news
scriptwriting exercise. Proceedings of 2012 e/merge Online
Proceedings (e/merge 2012) - Open to Change, 9-20 July
2012 . Cape Town: Centre for Educational Technology,
University of Cape Town. ISBN 9780620554220.
Ng’ambi, D., Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Bozalek, V. and
Watters, K. 2012. Emerging technologies in South African
higher education institutions: towards a teaching and
learning practice framework. In P. Lam (ed.), Proceedings
of 7th International Conference on e-Learning, 12- 2 June,
Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. ISBN
Ng’ambi, D. and Campbell, A. 2012. Influence of
mobile learning on human agency: a critical
discourse analysis. In P. Lam (ed.), Proceedings of 7th
International Conference on e-Learning, 12-22 June,
Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. ISBN
Rambe, P. and Ng’ambi, D. 2012. Using ubiquitous
technologies to cognitively scaffold academically
underprepared learners: student contextualised learning
in mobile learning environments. In P. Kommers, T. Issa
and P. Isaias (eds), Proceedings of IADIS International
Conference on Internet Technologies and Society,
28-30 November, Perth, Australia. Perth, Australia:
IADIS Press. ISBN 9789728939779.