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Knowledge, pp. 21-30. Bloemfontein: Sun Press. ISBN
Soudien, C.A. 2012. The peripherys progeny. The South
African school and its relationship to youth identity in
contemporary South Africa. In C. Sleeter, S.B. Upadhyay,
A.K. Mishra and S. Kumar (eds), School Education,
Pluralism and Marginality: Comparative Perspectives,
pp. 249-264. New Delhi, India: Orient BlackSwan. ISBN
978 81 250 4531 1.
Soudien, C.A. 2012. The promise of the university: what
it’s become and where it could go. In B. Leibowitz (ed.),
Higher Education for the Public Good: Views from the
South, pp. 31-43. Stoke on Trent, USA: Trentham Books.
ISBN 978-1-920338-88-6.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Breier, M. and Holness, L.J. 2012. Towards a theorisation
of a cross-disciplinary research development programme
at the University of Cape Town. Acta Academica,
2011(2): 149-168.
Carton, B. and Morrell, R.G. 2012. Zulu masculinities,
warrior culture and stick fighting: reassessing male
violence and virtue in South Africa. Journal of Southern
African Studies, 38(1): 31-53.
Epstein, D. and Morrell, R.G. 2012. Approaching
Southern theory: explorations of gender in South African
education. Gender and Education, 24(5): 469-482.
Hamlall, V. and Morrell, R.G. 2012. Conflict, provocation
and fights among boys in a South African high school.
Gender and Education, 24(5): 483-498.
Hattingh, A. 2012. The African-Norwegian case of
supporting women towards knowledge production
through doctoral studies. South African Journal of
Higher Education, 26(6): 1139-1151.
Hearn, J. and Morrell, R.G. 2012. Reviewing hegemonic
masculinities and men in Sweden and South Africa. Men
and Masculinities, 15(1): 3-10.
Hoadley, U.K. 2012. What do we know about teaching
and learning in South African primary schools? Education
as Change, 16(2): 187-202.
Jewkes, R., Morrell, R.G., Sikweyiya, Y., Dunkle, K.
and Penn-Kekana, L. 2012. Men, prostitution and
the provider role: understanding the intersections of
economic exchange, sex, crime and violence in South
Africa. PLoS One, 7(7): 1-10.
Jewkes, R. and Morrell, R.G. 2012. Sexuality and the
limits of agency among South African teenage women:
theorising femininities and their connections to HIV risk
practises. Social Science and Medicine, 74: 1729-1737.
Jewkes, R., Morrell, R.G., Sikweyiya, Y., Dunkle, K.
and Penn-Kekana, L. 2012. Transactional relationships
and sex with a woman in prostitution: prevalence and
patterns in a representative sample of South African
men. BMC Public Health, 12(325). [online]. http://www.
Kallaway, P. 2012. Bibliography of materials relevant
to the study of education in the Colony of Natal,
the Province of Natal and KwaZulu-Natal, 1839-1994:
Selected with special attention to “Native Education”.
Journal of Natal and Zulu History, 30: 107-138.
Kallaway, P. 2012. History in senior secondary school
CAPS 2012 and beyond: a comment. Yesterday & Today,
7(1): 23-62.
Kallaway, P. 2012. Preface: A view from the South.
History of Education, 41(1): 1-3.
Kallaway, P. 2012. Science and policy: anthropology and
education in British colonial Africa during the inter-war
years. Paedagogica Historica, 48(3): 411-430.
Kallaway, P. 2012. The forgotten history of South African
education. Southern African Review of Education, 18(1):
Morrell, R.G., Epstein, D. and Moletsane, R. 2012.
Doubts, dilemmas and decisions: towards ethical
research on gender and schooling in South Africa.
Qualitative Research, 12(6): 613-629.
Morrell, R.G., Jewkes, R. and Lindegger, G. 2012.
Hegemonic masculinity/masculinities in South
Africa: culture, power, and gender politics. Men and
Masculinities, 15(1): 11-30.
Muthivhi, A. 2012. Schooling and the development
of verbal thinking: TshiVenda-speaking children’s
reasoning and classification skills. South African Journal
of Psychology, 42(1): 82-92.
Prinsloo, M.H. and Rowsell, J. 2012. Introduction
Digital literacies as placed resources in the globalised
periphery. Language and Education, 26(4): 271-277.
Prinsloo, M.H., Rowsell, J. and Zhang, Z. 2012. Socialising
the digital: taking emic perspectives on digital domains.
Language and Literature, 1: 5.