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ICTs; academic literacies; learning design; mobile learning;
lecture recording and podcasting; innovation by educators;
teaching with new media; the educational technology
profession; open educational resources; open research;
communities of practice in staff development; the effects
of organisational cultures on technology adoption; the
rhetoric of staff development; and online conferences for
professional development. Together with the UCT Research
Office, CET hosts the Scholarly Communication in Africa
Programme which is a three-year, IDRC-funded initiative
aimed at increasing African universities’ contribution to
regional and global knowledge production.
Departmental Statistics
Permanent and Long Term Contract Staff
Associate Professors
Senior Lecturers
Support, administrative and technical staff
Research Fields and Staff
Mr Lubabalo Badi
Learning Technologies Consultant: promotion of and
support for the use of educational technologies among staff.
Dr Cheryl Brown
Lecturer: digital identity, first year students’ experiences
of ICTs at university, discourses of ICTs and access to ICTs.
Mr Roger Brown
Educational Technology Consultant; promotion of and
support for the use of educational technologies among staff.
Mr Tony Carr
Senior Lecturer; Co-ordinator Staff Development; on-line
conferences, online communities of practice, use of
interactive computer-mediated approaches for teaching
and learning.
Ms Rulisha Chetty
Digital Learning Materials Designer; use of video in
curriculum development.
Ms Glenda Cox
Lecturer; Curriculum Projects; teaching and learning with
technology, curriculum development; Open Education
Associate Professor Laura Czerniewicz
Seconded to OpenUCT; open scholarship broadly, scholarly
communication, students’ digitally-mediated practices,
digital identities and the field of learning technology as a
scholarly domain.
Mr Andrew Deacon
Instructional Designer; learning environments, evaluation
of interactive computer mediated approaches for teaching
and learning, learning analytics.
Associate Professor Cheryl Hodgkinson-
Online learning design, interactive whiteboards, open
scholarship, open education resources and electronic
Mr David Horwitz
Online Learning Environments developer, design of
interactive environments and the effective use of databases
to support interactive computer-mediated approaches for
teaching and learning.
Ms Seta Jackson
Learning Technologies Consultant: promotion of and
support for the use of educational technologies among staff.
Dr Cathy Kell
Research Lead, Scholarly Communication in Africa
Programme; scholarly Communication.
Mr Stephen Marquard
Acting Director; Learning Technologies Coordinator:
design, implementation and support of online environments
for effective teaching and learning, group collaboration
and personal workspaces and portfolios, higher education
ICT strategy and governance.
Ms Desiree McKie
Coordinator: ICT Literacy Project, ICT proficiency training,
assessment and integration into learning and teaching, ICT
policy, multilingualism and technology.
Mr Edmore Moyo
Online Learning Environments developer, design of
interactive environments and the effective use of databases
to support interactive computer-mediated approaches for
teaching and learning.
Associate Professor Dick Ng’ambi
Coordinator – postgraduate programme (ICT in Education);
mobile learning, ubiquitous technologies, emerging
technologies, open educational resources, podcasting,
social networking, and informal learning.
Mr Ian Schroeder
Staff development, use of interactive computer-mediated
approaches for teaching and learning, peer instruction and
collaborative learning.